10 Ways to Hear from God Regularly

People hear from God all the time. But far too frequently, individuals are blind to God's messages because they only ask for His direction seldom, generally in the midst of a crisis or when they must make a significant decision. Then, when they don't hear clearly what they should do, individuals get confused and frustrated because they have a desperate need to hear from God. They begin to wonder how they aren't hearing from God and how to do so.

That isn't how things have to be. It is possible for everyone to clearly hear God's messages, and that is what God wishes. It's important to put an end to the idea of using tricks and formulae to receive messages from God and instead concentrate on building a connection with Him that will enable you to receive messages from Him on a regular basis. The more you grow in your relationship with God, the more you will be able to enjoy continuing dialogue with Him—both listening to Him and speaking with Him—and the more He will use that time to mould you into the person He wants you to be.

The following ten methods can help you routinely hear from God and recognise his voice:
1. Acknowledge that you were made by God for intimate relationships.

It is by design that God speaks to you most effectively when you have a friendship with Him. God wants you to have regular talks with Him so that you can freely and wisely choose what His will is. God wants to be with you every step of the way, personally attending to you and conversing with you. After that, you'll learn more about Him and start to resemble His Son, Jesus.
2. Examine your reasons for desiring a divine message.

Consider carefully why you desire a divine message. Is it because, despite the challenges, you're genuinely receptive to what God has to say and dedicated to following His lead and accomplishing His goals? Or is it motivated by self-interest, such the need to feel reassured or justified? Admit any improper intentions and express regret. Pray for God to give you the ability to hear what He has to say and to listen to Him obediently.
3. Set your sights higher than simply hearing from God.

But put his righteousness and kingdom first, and you will also receive all of these things. - Matthew 6:33

Although receiving a message from God is significant, it shouldn't be your ultimate objective. Rather, make developing a strong connection with God and maturing spiritually your primary objective. You will only be able to hear from God accurately and clearly in that manner.
4. Be humble and understand your significance to God.

Because God values you equally to the people in the Bible, you may be confident that He will speak to you with the same fervour. But resist the need to become arrogant; humility is the only way to sincerely receive and respond to the messages God has for you.
5. Refrain from pressing God to reveal something to you.

Regardless of how much you may desire to talk to God or how hard you may attempt to persuade Him to do so, you will only hear from God when He decides to talk to you. As you wait for God to speak to you in His perfect time, put your attention on growing a respectful relationship with Him. You can also confidently go ahead and make your own decision about what to do and be within God's will if God decides not to offer you particular counsel about something you've prayed about and what you're considering is within the Bible's moral guidelines.
6. Acknowledge that there are several ways that God speaks.

God may choose to speak to you in any of a multitude of ways, depending on what works best at any given moment and under any given set of circumstances. God may occasionally communicate with you dramatically, for example, through angels, visions, or amazing happenings. However, the majority of the time, you will hear God speaking to you in your thoughts. He will talk to you through commonplace activities like reading the Bible, praying in private, taking lessons from your circumstances, or consulting other Christians for advice. When necessary, God will employ dramatic methods to gain your attention, but His ultimate intention is for you to have such a strong bond with Him that you will listen to His messages. Typically God speaks through what people have described as a “still, small voice” to encourage those He loves to choose to keep walking closely with Him through life.
7. Rewire your cognitive abilities.

Romans 12:2 urges you to follow this because God speaks to you through your mind a lot and wants you to acquire what the Bible calls the "mind of Christ"—that is, the capacity to make decisions as Jesus would. "Leave your old ways behind and allow your mind to be renewed in order to be transformed. Then you will be able to verify and accept the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. The Holy Spirit will purge your mind of filth and clutter, including incorrect attitudes and ideas, unwholesome emotions, and erroneous goals, as you ask Him to renew it each day. Then the Holy Spirit will replace all of that with true thoughts that reflect God’s purposes.
8. During your scripture reading, ask the living Word to assist you.

When you read the Bible in prayer, you are engaging God's written word, which is Jesus Himself, a living, creative power. Ask Jesus to transform the words in the Bible into living examples for you, to use them as channels for His love, faith, and thoughts to enter your spirit when you read the Bible. Subsequently, direct your attention on receiving what He sends you, and it will start to change your life.
9. Above everything, listen for God's voice.

You can confidently respond to God's words by developing the ability to discern His voice when He speaks. Consider praying over recurring thoughts to see if they are from God. Remember that God will never send you a message that deviates from the precepts of the Bible. Furthermore, God's voice is full of authority and conveys a mood of harmony, assurance, joy, reason, and kindness. Ask God to confirm if you believe He is speaking to you while you read and reflect on the Bible, when you are aware of the situations around you, or when you sense the impressions of the Holy Spirit on your mind.
10. Schedule regular time to be in tune with God's words.

Establish the routine of purposefully and eagerly listening for any message that God may have for you. Developing a regular listening relationship with God is more significant than asking God for direction on a regular basis.

Decide to start hearing God's voice and understanding his intentions and promises for you at some point today. To recall the things he instills in you, keep a journal.