73-year-old female weightlifter, boxer wows Nigerians with incredible fitness

Roseline Umar, 73, has won the admiration of Nigerians with her amazing weightlifting and boxing practices, demonstrating exceptional fitness and tenacity.

When a video of Mrs. Umar displaying her exercise routine went viral, it received a lot of positive feedback and shocked comments.

In a BBC interview, Umar talked about how her dedication to the gym had changed her life and given her a youthful, active feeling.

She declared, "I feel like I have a younger woman's body," showcasing her passion for bench pressing and jokingly cautioning others not to mess with her due to her boxing expertise.

Mrs. Umar started her fitness adventure in an attempt to reduce her weight and get rid of joint pain that was keeping her awake at night. Following a doctor's consultation, she was instructed to go to the gym and shed at least 10 kilos.
She has been working out five days a week at six a.m. for the past sixteen years, and she has no intention of stopping. She stressed the value of consistent exercise and urged others to lead comparable lifestyles.

Her training video has received a lot of attention on social media, with many Nigerians taking to X (previously Twitter) to express their appreciation and amazement at her age-defying fitness.