Army uncovers ISWAP bread factory in Borno

According to reports, troops from Operation Hadin Kai, part of Operation Lake Sanity III, have found an ISWAP terrorist organization's bread production plant concealed inside its lair in Maisani, Timbuktu Triangle, Damboa Local Government Area, Borno State.

The combined troops of the 199 Special Forces Battalion, along with Hybrid Forces and Civilian JTF (Joint Task Force), discovered the bread factory on Sunday during an exploitation mission into the terrorists' hideout, according to intelligence sources cited by security analyst and counter-insurgency expert Zagazola Makama on Monday.

Makama stated that two Lister generating plants, one baking machine, and numerous baking supplies were among the goods found after the facility was reportedly destroyed.

The discovery, according to the report, occurred during a week-long clearance operation that was intended to eliminate the terrorists from their stronghold in the Timbuktu Triangle, which is an area that includes Talala, Ajigin, Dusula, Abulam, and Gorgi in addition to Buk 1, 2, and 3. This region is known for harbouring these extremist groups.

The majority of the attacks, ambushes, and IED/mine incidents that target the Damboa roads, the Damaturu-Maiduguri MSR (Main Supply Route), Askira, Buratai, and Buni Yadi, as well as the destruction of the high-tension transmission line that connects Borno and Yobe State, are attributed to these terrorist groups.

"The destruction of the high tension transmission line connecting Borno and Yobe State, as well as attacks, ambushes, and IED/mine towards Damboa roads, Damaturu-Maiduguri MSR, attacks towards Askira, Buratai, and Buni Yadi, are primarily the work of these terrorist groups." Makama added, "The troops continued to maintain high fighting efficiency despite the complexity of the terrain characterised by highly fortified camp mostly located under thick foliage and IEDs planted in several locations w