Conduct integrity performance review on cabinet members, APC chieftain urges Tinubu

In an interview with reporters, Oyintiloye, a former member of the APC Presidential Campaign Council (PCC), stated that the integrity review would guarantee that the renewed hope agenda remained unhindered and would also enable accountability and transparency by cabinet members and heads of government ministries, departments, and agencies.

Recall that the president committed to conducting a quarterly performance review of his cabinet members at a retreat for them.

The President stated that this would be carried out through the office of his special adviser on policy coordination, who leads the new Performance Bond and oversees the key performance indicators (KPI) used to track and evaluate the Ministers' performance.
According to the former lawmaker, the integrity review would evaluate the cabinet members' contributions based on how well they managed the resources entrusted to them, rather than just how much success each ministry achieved.

"There needs to be a genuine fight against corruption in the system, which will in turn restore the public's faith in this administration," stated Oyintiloye.

Because his cabinet members are his operatives in the renewed hope agenda, the president must regularly conduct financial integrity reviews of them.

It is clear that Mr. President is devoted to using his intervention programmes to bring millions of Nigerians out of poverty and to stimulate the country's economy. in various ministry, departments and agencies of government.
"But those who do not share the president's vision for expanding the economy and reducing poverty are the ones who view holding a position of power as a way to line their own pockets.

And this way of thinking is lessening the general public's benefit from the various programmes aimed at reducing poverty.

Oyintiloye did, however, commend the president for forming a special presidential panel to examine and audit the current financial frameworks and policy directives pertaining to social investment initiatives.
The APC leader expressed concern and heartbreak over the shocking degree of corruption in the ministry's management of social investment programmes since the program's founding, while acknowledging that the panel's formation was a correct move in preventing fraudulent activity.

Oyintiloye also praised the Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Ministry's ongoing reforms, which aim to reduce corruption in order to provide effective services.

He said it hurt that some callous people had turned the humanitarian ministry, which was established to care for the welfare of the nation's impoverished masses, into a business that made money.

With the president's declared passion and dedication to the welfare of the people, Oyintiloye stated that Nigeria is on the path of greatness.