Customs hand over seized 1,198 cartons of fake drugs to NAFDAC

On Wednesday, the National Agency for Foods, Drugs Administration and Control in Sokoto received 1,198 cartons of counterfeit drugs that had been seized by the Nigerian Customs Service, Sokoto Zonal Command.

Speaking as he turned over the confiscated goods to the organisation at the zonal office in Sokoto, the Area Controller, Comptroller Musa Omale, stated that the seizure was in accordance with the Comptroller General of Customs Bashir Adewale Adeniyi's collaborative policy.

He emphasised that pharmaceuticals that are not registered present a serious risk to the country and mentioned that the issue of fake medications is one that the entire world is facing.

He gave NAFDAC the assurance that the command would support its efforts to combat counterfeit drugs without wavering.

But he also cautioned smugglers against continuing their illegal activities, saying that the Command was prepared to fight to stop them.

He declared, "Importing pharmaceutical drugs across land borders is prohibited for control reasons.

"The Service has expedited the importation of all pharmaceutical drugs, which are cleared only after meeting the necessary documentation requirements and through designated seaports."

30 cartons of Vernos chewable drugs, 148 cartons of condoms, 405 cartons of sex enhancement drugs, 450 cartons of Real Extra Tablet, and other drugs were turned over.

The service was thanked for its unwavering synergy and collaboration towards preserving Nigerians' lives and health by Garba Adamu, the Sokoto NAFDAC Coordinator.