FG sets up platform to monitor civil service reforms

The Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021–2025, which will support civil service reforms, will be managed and monitored through the establishment of "War Rooms," according to Didi Walson-Jack, Head of the Federation's Civil Service.

The War Rooms, according to Walson-Jack, are "intended to tackle the specific challenges associated with each pillar" and will be devoted to addressing each of the six pillars and important enablers of the reform strategy.

According to a statement issued on Wednesday by Eno Olotu, Director of Press at the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, she revealed this during the just-completed retreat with Federal Permanent Secretaries in Zuba, Niger State.

According to Walson-Jack, all significant parties will be included in the war rooms, which will be supervised by Permanent Secretaries, to guarantee prompt and well-coordinated action. The objective, she continued, is to successfully complete the changes and "win" these "wars" for the sake of the Nigerian people and the Federal Civil Service.

The Federal Permanent Secretaries examined the FCSSIP-25's six pillars and enablers in an effort to jumpstart its vigorous implementation. The Permanent Secretaries suggested additional Key Performance Indicators and activities in syndicated sessions led by Dr Deborah Bako Odoh, Permanent Secretary, Service Policies and Strategies Office, in order to enhance the plan's substance and guarantee that actions are in line with the established goals.

The attendees of the retreat also acknowledged how urgent it was to centralise technology in order to successfully spearhead the Public Service's adoption of Performance Management and Enterprise Content Management systems. They contend that this pressing requirement highlights the significance of prompt and well-coordinated response.

"It is anticipated that centralising these systems will improve overall efficiency and transparency in service delivery, guarantee uniformity across all MDAs, and streamline processes."

During her opening remarks, Fatima Mahmood, the Permanent Secretary of the Career Management Office at the Office of the OHCSF, characterised the retreat as a group effort to change the Nigerian public service into one that is characterised by effectiveness, creativity, and a commitment to providing services.

Raymond Omachi, the Permanent Secretary of the Common Services Office, expressed gratitude to the participants for their intense conversations and steadfast dedication throughout the retreat.

A number of thought-provoking talks on creativity, innovation, service delivery, and using artificial intelligence to boost productivity and efficiency were included in the three-day retreat. Important subjects including the FCSSIP-25 pillars, digitalisation, enterprise content management, and the performance management system were covered in other sessions.