How to avoid being struck by lightning during heavy downpour – Physicians

In response to the Nigerian Meteorological Agency's weather forecast of severe rain, thunderstorms, and lightning, public health experts have advised Nigerians—especially expectant mothers and children—to stay indoors during periods of high precipitation in order to prevent potentially fatal accidents.

They emphasised that taking this safety measure is essential to avoiding exposure to the cold and preventing unintentional slips when wading through flooded areas and wet floors.

Doctors also advised against carrying electrical items when there is lightning or a thunderstorm and going barefoot.

NiMet has been forecasting several thunderstorms and lightning across the nation since April.

According to the agency's May forecast, lightning is predicted to occur more than twice over a period of eight to fifteen days.

According to a report by Nigeria Lightning Safety and Research, a non-governmental organisation, there will likely be 2.4 million thunderstrikes in April 2023, and more are predicted to occur throughout the year.

Africa has the highest lightning hotspot, with Nigeria having a high lightning density, according to a study by Sani Buba et al. titled "Lightning accidents in Nigeria: With special attention to aviation mishaps."

The researchers estimated that 500 people die annually in Nigeria as a result of lightning strikes, despite the fact that there is a dearth of information and reporting on these deaths.

Recently, two FESTAC women died from electrocution after lightning struck the shanty where they were staying, according to SP Benjamin Hundeyin, the Lagos State Public Relations Officer.

He declared, "Two women stayed inside during yesterday's downpour on First Avenue, FESTAC (Friday)." When lightning struck, they were instantly electrocuted and a fire broke out. Their shanties were constructed beneath overhead electrical lines.

Dr. Tuyi Mebawondu, a public health specialist, addressed the matter and advised people to stay indoors during lightning and thunderstorms and to avoid standing tall in open spaces.

What precautions should one take in the event of lightning? First and foremost, it is advised to seek safe shelter inside during periods of active thunder and lightning rather than remaining outside. Why are you unable to remain outside? If you remain outside and are the tallest object or person on the path within the lightning's strike radius, you may be struck by lightning, which could cause burns, wounds, or even death because of the intense electrical current that would go through you.

Avoid anything that can conduct electricity while you are inside, such as electrical equipment, computers, and phones that need to be charged. Additionally, you should avoid areas near windows as some electricity may travel through them in a straight line', he advised.

In order to avoid electrocution, he further recommended against resting on walls, lying on concrete floors, and seeking cover under solitary trees during lightning strikes.

In addition, the physician warned that flash floods could contaminate water sources and suggested boiling any water obtained after one to avoid drinking it.

Mebawondu stated, "Many health-related problems will arise from a poor drainage system during a flash flood, which can occur at any time. One possibility is that it will sift bits of faeces into your water source, contaminating it. This is the reason it is advised that you boil any water you use after a flash flood before drinking it. Use your protections because the flood may have given mosquitoes and other vectors more places to breed.

He added that typhoid and cholera were frequent disease outbreaks that happened after flash floods.

The public health physician issued a further warning about walking barefoot through flooded areas.

Additionally, it's critical that you avoid sticking your leg into flood water indiscriminately. In reality, you can pick a set of germs that can cause itching on your leg and some particles can enter into your leg. So, it’s both a cautionary and a health advice when there’s lightning, thundering, flooding, flash flooding.

“When there’s thunder and lightning, all your electrical appliances, whether phone, television, or computer, you may have to put them off until after the lightning,” he advised.
Additionally, people were advised by Dr. Rotimi Adesanya, a public health physician, to check the daily weather forecast, plan their activities accordingly, and avoid spending longer than necessary outside.

He emphasised that by doing this, people would be better able to take the necessary precautions.

"People should plan their itinerary by probably staying at home on such days," Adesanya stated. In the West as well, days are set aside nationally for people to avoid going to work because of severe snowfall and other factors. But days like that are not announced by our government.

Everyone must therefore take initiative. As soon as we learn the weather, we should try to stay inside and take precautions.

Additionally, he counselled expecting mothers and kids to try their best to stay indoors during extreme rainfall and thunderstorms.

“Pregnant women are special people, in the sense that we are talking about two people now. They should practically stay indoors during this period if there’s a forecast of bad weather so that they don’t slip while walking in the rain,” the doctor said.
He also criticised the nation's inadequate drainage infrastructure, claiming that it is a contributing factor to flooding.

In order to lower the possibility of unintentionally slipping or falling into open gutters, Adesanya advised people to stay inside during periods of intense rainfall and to abstain from wading through flooded roads.

On such days, both the government and the people have a role to play, he advised. When there is a forecast for severe or unfavourable weather, people who have temporary structures should avoid such areas. This is a result of tents' weak foundation, which allows them to be carried away by floods or wind.

The frequent occurrence of flooding and electrocution amid this unfavourable weather is another thing. People ought to make an effort to stay away from touching electrical wires during this period. If they have to go inside to change over a circuit or something related to that, they have to wear protective equipment and shoes. Wearing shoes during this period would reduce the risk of being electrocuted when in contact with live wires.”
The public health doctor advised felling weak-looking trees to keep them from falling during rain or windstorms onto people, buildings, or cars.

He counselled parents to keep their kids away from electric poles and wires and to be more watchful of them.

In order to protect kids from rain and flooding, Adesanya added that on days when severe weather is predicted, kids should be escorted to school.

"Parents should also make sure that their doors and windows are in good condition during this time. When there is a strong wind, broken windows allow debris to enter the house, which can lead to cold-related illnesses like asthma and the flu.

"Close all windows and doors during extremely windy conditions. "Those inside may be exposed to severe weather if one of the windows or the door is broken," he continued.

In order to improve public safety during extreme weather events, the doctor urged the government to take the initiative to respond to these conditions and to address infrastructure challenges.