Japa: Top ten most expensive cities to live in 2024

If you are looking to relocate outside of Nigeria, you should probably stay away from areas with high costs of living because of their competitive housing market, expensive transportation, and expensive goods and services.

Hong Kong and Singapore are the most expensive cities for foreigners to live in, according to the Cost of Living City Ranking 2024. On the list, they are ranked first and second.

In each of the 226 cities under investigation, the survey examined the prices of more than 200 items, including housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods, and entertainment.

Housing, utilities, local taxes, and education costs have increased due to high inflation and growing economic and geopolitical tensions, according to a report that lists European cities among the most expensive places to live in.


Hong Kong
Zurich, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
New York, USA
London, UK
Nassau, Bahamas
Los Angeles, USA