Kumuyi refutes reports of relocation.

Pastor Williams Kumuyi, the general superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, has refuted reports that have been going around regarding his purported move to the UK.

The minister referred to the relocation rumour as false in a message that was shared on the Cross River State Deeper Life Facebook page.

He remarked, "You must have read that I moved to the UK," but then he questioned, "Did I relocate?"

Pastor Kumuyi clarified the matter by saying, "I did not relocate anywhere." Due to the time difference, I was unable to watch the happenings back home while on a crusade and conference.There are certain nations, like the one I went to in May, where the time difference is roughly five hours. It will be two am there when it is seven am here. There’s no way I could transmit that here because of the time difference.”
He went on to describe his travels in more detail, saying, "I preached the gospel in many of the United Arab Emirates' countries.

"I needed to take a few days off after the lengthy trip to prevent coming back exhausted and unable to preach. I waited as a result. And they informed you that I had moved due of the time I spent there.

Recounting how someone wrote a letter to him addressed to the church's UK branch, thinking he had moved there, Pastor Kumuyi expressed disbelief over the rumours.
"I need prayers," the letter said. I require counselling. However, I've heard that you're currently stationed in London.

Kumuyi addressed his audience, pleading with them to hold fast to their beliefs and not allow false information to influence them.
"You won't accept a lie. In our church, people creeping in are careless and corrupt.
They aim to subtly undermine your faith in your pastor.

It won't be done to you by anyone. Someone tells you that Deeper Life's General Superintendent has moved to England, and you read about it without knowing why.

"They want to disperse us and ask, 'What are you doing there still?'" The pastor of your church has moved to England. They tell others, and those individuals tell even other people. I didn't move anyplace," he continued.