Mother seeks financial assistance to treat five-year-old daughter’s fractured leg

Adesewa Adeoye, a 35-year-old mother of two, is in need of financial assistance in order to care for her five-year-old daughter Eniola, who has been in severe pain as a result of a leg fracture she received while playing with her friends.

Adeoye, who lives in Igara town in Edo State's Akoko Local Government Area, claimed that Eniola's struggles started in October 2023 when she developed a limp and had trouble walking.

According to her, her daughter's pain escalated from a slight discomfort to excruciating agony and the inability to walk.

She continued by saying that her daughter's education is on hold because she is unable to attend classes, and that the first-grader tears every day when she sees her friends go to school.

She went on to say that the attempts made by bonesetters to assist her daughter were unsuccessful because there was no progress.

She stated, "My daughter hasn't been able to stand on her foot since she accidentally struck her leg on the ground while playing in 2023.

"We have been treating her leg, which has continued to swell, ever since I noticed it swelling two days after she fell.

After two months of treatment with no improvement, I took her to a bonesetter, but I was told to take her to the hospital.We followed the instructions to get an x-ray, and after seeing the results, the doctor advised treating and placing it in POP.
She claimed she needed money and that her family could not pay the bill with the money she earned from frying garri, despite being told that her daughter's leg would heal.

"Initially, we were able to gather enough money to have the POP fixed and to purchase some of the doctor's recommended medications for her.
"My daughter is in excruciating pain, but we have not been able to resume the treatment since we stopped in December due to our inability to raise a significant amount of money." She said, "She needs assistance."

report from the hospital
Dr. Alfred Tume, a consultant radiologist, discussed Eniola's condition and stated that she needs regular treatment for at least six months to regain her ability to walk. He did not, however, specify how much treatment is needed.

"She needs to be stabilised, but they haven't been treating her frequently because her leg bones were impacted by the injury she sustained, so she needs constant medical care. They visited in late December the last time. She would have regained her footing if she had been visiting the hospital on a regular basis prior to the six-month mark for treatment.

Inappropriate treatment for the leg could lead to something more serious. She needs treatment as soon as possible, but I believe they stopped going because they couldn't afford it. Tume stated that she must receive continuous treatment in order to get better in five to six months.

In order to support her family and gather money for her child's medical care, Adeoye appealed to kindhearted people and organisations.

The mother's account can be funded by contributions made below:
Account number for Access Bank: 1477590407
Adesewa Aduke Adeoye is the account name.