NAFDAC alerts Nigerians to fake Dettol soap

Nigeria has been informed by the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control that fraudulent soap bearing the name "Dettol Health Fresh Soap" is being sold in the market.

The maker of Dettol Antiseptic goods verified that the soap is phoney, since there is no product by that name called "Dettol Health Fresh Soap," according to the alert posted on NAFDAC's website on Thursday.

A customer complaint about the aforementioned product was received by the Marketing Authorisation Holder and maker of Dettol Antiseptic goods, Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria Limited. The complaint claimed that the product had irritated their skin.

"Dettol Health Fresh Soap" is not a product that the MAH carries, hence they have confirmed that the product is phoney. Nigerians use Dettol Antiseptic products extensively for personal hygiene and home disinfection to ward against bacterial infections.

It was further stated that the complainant had only given the product's name, "Dettol Health Fresh Soap," and had not supplied any other information about the product in question.
The agency stated that the illicit marketing of counterfeit or NAFDAC-regulated goods puts public health at risk. Additionally, as these items do not adhere to legal requirements, there is no guarantee of their efficacy, safety, or quality.

It stated that all state coordinators and NAFDAC zonal directors have been instructed to conduct surveillance and remove any counterfeit goods that may be discovered inside their states or zones.

It is recommended that all parties involved in the supply chain—importers, distributors, retailers, healthcare providers, carers, and consumers—exercise caution and vigilance to prevent the importation, distribution, sale, and use of counterfeit goods. It is mandatory to procure all medical supplies from licensed and authorised vendors. It is important to carefully inspect the products' physical condition and validity.

"Healthcare providers and consumers are urged to report any suspicions regarding the sale of inferior and counterfeit medications or medical supplies to the NAFDAC office that is closest to them by calling 0800-162-3322 or sending an email to

The Med-safe application can be downloaded from the Android and iOS stores, and patients and healthcare professionals are also encouraged to report adverse events or side effects associated with the use of medical products or devices to the nearest NAFDAC office, or via e-reporting platforms available on the NAFDAC website,, or by sending an email to"