Nigerians lambast Wike for downplaying abduction epidemic

The Federal Capital Territory's Minister, Nyesom Wike, has drawn criticism for his smug response to the kidnapping epidemic roiling the nation's capital, which he attributed to political opponents.

The Middle Belt Forum Youth Forum, the Northern Elders Forum, and other relevant parties were outraged by the former governor of Rivers State's remarks, denouncing them as regrettable and insensitive.

Bandits had been launching widespread attacks in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) under Wike, kidnapping residents and demanding large ransoms to release them.

Over 25 people had been taken away in the previous two weeks, according to the most recent count, and four victims had been shot by their captors for not producing a ransom.

However, in response to the development, Wike stated in a Monday media conference that the tension surrounding the kidnappings was needless and emphasised that crimes could not be completely eradicated.

After being posted to YouTube, the video of the media exchange was removed.

A few legislators are determined to ensure that the government fails. Furthermore, what is your method? They tell you that something happened here 25 times by inciting unwarranted anxiety and spreading false information. You have to comprehend how our system functions. "Those are the people who are paid blackmailers," he had previously stated.

"You cannot stop total crime," said Wike, dismissing the public's outcry over the kidnappings as unwarranted. Please have a professional tell me if there is anywhere in this world where there is no crime.

As a result of the kidnappings that occurred in one or two locations last night, the FCT as a whole is insecure. That is untrue.

He bemoaned the fact that people do not support government initiatives and are quick to criticise unresolved issues.

"When we first arrived, we were told that Abuja had collapsed, leaving no roads or street lights. In these five months, how many of you have even come out to praise us? All you have to do is select the one that seems to be the issue or hasn't been resolved. You ignore the ones where the government has worked hard and achieved outcomes," he continued.

Indiscriminate state

The Northern Elders' Forum Spokesperson, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, expressed dissatisfaction with Wike's careless handling of the security issue and called the minister's remarks "insensitive and dismissive of the experiences of the victims."

The NEF maintained that propaganda was not the only cause of the situation in Abuja, even though it acknowledged that politicians frequently used it to further their own agendas.

It is indisputable that politicians frequently use propaganda to further their own agendas, according to Suleiman. Politicians take advantage of security concerns in a highly competitive political environment like Nigeria's to win over voters or malign their rivals.

Exaggerating or misrepresenting the actual security situation allows them to sway public opinion and foster a climate of fear and insecurity. However, it is crucial to recognise that the security situation in Abuja is not solely a product of political propaganda. There are genuine security challenges that affect the lives of people living in the city.’’

Since it is the capital of Nigeria, Abuja has grown to be a popular destination for a variety of criminal activities, such as kidnapping, armed robberies, and terrorism. A general sense of insecurity among the populace has resulted from these incidents, along with the loss of lives and property.

He pointed out that it was insensitive and disrespectful of Wike's actions to ignore the worries of those who were directly impacted by these events.

Wike's remarks, according to Middle Belt Youth Forum President Bright Kane, were depressing. He also said that the minister was assigning blame in order to distance himself from the kidnapping crisis in the region.

In an attempt to conceal his inability to safeguard the FCT, he charged the former governor of being economical with the truth, implying that Wike was likely overpowered by the security crisis.

"It is regrettable and depressing that the minister for the Federal Capital Territory characterises events in the FCT and the country as political tension-makers," Kane stated. Because of his demise as the FCT's Chief Security Officer, he is being sparing with the truth.

"The minister wants to assign responsibility to his fellow politicians in order to clear his own name, as the level of insecurity that exists in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) today is unprecedented in the nation's history.

"It appears that he is finally overwhelmed by the difficulties he is facing in leading the affairs of both Rivers State and the Federal Capital Territory," he said in closing.

Isaac David, the spokesman for the Abuja Original Inhabitants Youth Empowerment Organisation, criticised the minister as well, saying that Wike disregarded the advice of those who warned him before the kidnapping gained widespread attention.

tardy actions

The minister was "crying late," according to David.

"Yes, he is saying so because he hasn't sat down with the indigenous people to know what their challenges are," the man stated, "if he is saying the kidnapping issue in the Federal Capital Territory is propaganda." What then do you think he will say?

He will undoubtedly claim that it is propaganda because he has dedicated his entire life to politics and believes that human life transcends politics. This demonstrates how politicians don't value the lives of regular people in the community.
We sobbed and yelled, and now he wakes up at five in the morning and walks to the communities to show his sympathy. It is late and he is crying. We would have informed him about the kidnapping activities in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by that time, assuming he had visited the local councils and communities from the start.

Rather than offering an explanation for the challenge, Wike was chastised by Debo Adeniran, the Chairman of the Centre for Accountability and Open Leadership, to take ownership of the security lapse.

If the minister and the federal government were unable to provide an explanation for their inability to secure Nigerians, he urged them to "throw in the towel."

It's possible that they are using human lives for political purposes. It's also possible that they are playing politics with the welfare of the people. That, in itself, is an anathema. It means that they are not paying the necessary premium on human lives and their livelihood.
Consequently, a leader who is searching for an explanation is already failing. Any security breach should be taken ownership of by any responsible leader. He pointed out, "Let the people present the reasons why the security failed, not the leader."

In response, Wike's statement suggested he was unaware of events within his jurisdiction, according to Nuhu Mohammed, the Kogi State Coordinator of the National Human Rights Commission.

We all know that the nation is dealing with a high level of insecurity, whether it be from kidnapping or another form of insecurity, according to Mohammed. Everyone knows that Abuja is seriously on fire, but I'm not sure how the minister for the Federal Capital Territory obtains his information.

Because he works in an office, the minister for the FCT might not be aware of the issues that regular people face. I don’t think he has a good defence for that statement. He can’t just say that people are just hyping the situation.

“What hyping? This is something that the common man on the street knows that it’s happening and he is in his office denying what is obvious. The statement shows that he doesn’t know what is happening in his domain and I doubt he can keep Abuja safe.”
Wike seemed unfit for the position he is holding, according to National Vice President of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights Yinka Folarin, who asked President Tinubu to summon Wike to order.

"It is quite unfortunate that those we put in a position to protect the people's rights are seeing no wrong in the threat to the people's lives, especially the right to life and freedom," stated Folarin. We at the CDHR are standing with well-meaning Nigerians in denouncing the remarks made by an individual tasked with protecting the people's rights.

Wike was also refuted by Gerald Katchy, General Secretary of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, who emphasised that the kidnapping incidents in the FCT were not feigned.

“The statement is uncalled for. If he thinks the kidnappings are exaggerated, why has he been busy holding meetings with community leaders and setting up security task forces? A child can’t be beaten and you don’t expect him to cry. How he cries does not matter, what matters is if he was beaten or not. Are the kidnappings in FCT faked? No. He should sit up. “
"I do not agree with Wike on that," added Giwa Victor, National Coordinator of Advocate for People's Rights and Justice. What was the purpose of the FCT's anti-kidnapping squad?

Abuja locals are concerned because kidnapping incidents in the Federal Capital Territory are real. I came across