Two minors, others arrested for uploading woman’s nude video online

Two adolescents and three adults have been taken into custody by Edo State Police Command operators for reportedly stripping Christabel Akhigbe naked in retaliation for a suspected phone theft.

It was alleged that they recorded her in her pants and posted it to social media.

The suspects were detained on charges of cyberstalking and indecent assault on a girl. They were identified as Blessing Lucky, 15, Jennifer Eboigbe, 30, Iziegbe Ogbodu, 39, and Naomi Ekhonetomwan, 17.

The suspects allegedly accused the victim of taking an Android phone belonging to someone named Lucky and calling her to return the phone, according to state Commissioner of Police Funsho Adeboye, who presented the suspects on Friday at the command headquarters in Benin, the state capital.
Adeboye claimed that after Christabel gave the phone back to its owner, they tricked her into going to Blessing Lucky's mother's house, where they beat her, nuded her, and threatened to knife her in the privates.

He also mentioned that a video that the suspects had taken of the incident became viral on social media.

Adeboye stated that police officers detained the suspects who had admitted to the crime after receiving the report.
They will be charged in court soon, he continued.

The CP stated, "Five girls have been arrested by the Edo Police Command for allegedly robbing a woman of her Android phone. They then recorded the victims in their pants and uploaded it to the internet.

They are currently being investigated in a case in which they ought to have been Adeboye claimed that after Christabel gave the phone back to its owner, they tricked her into going to Blessing Lucky's mother's house, where they beat her, nuded her, and threatened to knife her in the privates.

He also mentioned that a video that the suspects had taken of the incident became viral on social media.

Adeboye stated that police officers detained the suspects who had admitted to the crime after receiving the report.
They will be charged in court soon, he continued.

The CP stated, "Five girls have been arrested by the Edo Police Command for allegedly robbing a woman of her Android phone. They then recorded the victims in their pants and uploaded it to the internet.

They are currently being investigated in a case in which they ought to have been Adeboye claimed that after Christabel gave the phone back to its owner, they tricked her into going to Blessing Lucky's mother's house, where they beat her, nuded her, and threatened to knife her in the privates.

He also mentioned that a video that the suspects had taken of the incident became viral on social media.

Adeboye stated that police officers detained the suspects who had admitted to the crime after receiving the report.
They will be charged in court soon, he continued.

The CP stated, "Five girls have been arrested by the Edo Police Command for allegedly robbing a woman of her Android phone. They then recorded the victims in their pants and uploaded it to the internet.

They are currently being investigated in a case in which they ought to have been the complaint.
Noting that individuals who ought to have been the complainants have become suspects in the case, the public are cautioned not to impose laws on their own.

He pledged that the police would work with human rights organisations to hold suspects accountable for their actions.

"I will counsel locals to report incidents of this kind to the police and refrain from taking matters into their own hands," he declared.

Eboigbe, one of the suspects, expressed her shame about what they had done to the victim.

"After a few days, we were able to retrieve the phone from the individual who had stolen it," she stated, referring to her daughter. The girl begged me not to hit her, but they proceeded to strip her naked in spite of her plea.

"As a mother, I feel embarrassed by what they did."