Women with a history of sexual exploration are not defective products - Buchi

On Monday, life coach and commentator Solomon Buchi attacked the "alpha male" movement for dehumanising and commercialising women who have engaged in sexual exploration in the past.

Buchi said, "Women with a sexually exploratory past are not 'damaged goods,' as alpha male fools have strongly propagated," in a Monday night post on X. Although I support conservative views on sexual liberty, I believe that a woman should never be made fun of for having had a careless sexual past and for turning a new leaf.

He expressed disapproval of the terminology frequently employed to characterise these women, saying, "It irritates me that the alpha male camp constantly commodifies and dehumanises women." I accept that women are biologically real, but I think that thirty-something women who have previously engaged in sexual activity should never be described as Leftovers. Such language is horrendously inhumane.”

While acknowledging that accepting promiscuity has consequences, Buchi maintained that women shouldn't be continuously humiliated for past transgressions.
Naturally, since they have changed their ways, ex-promiscuous women shouldn't feel entitled to love and marriage from men. But since actions have consequences, let's stop mockingly characterising women according to the results of their deeds.

He was especially offended by people who used disparaging remarks about women who were converting to religion or looking for salvation later in life, such as "Women are like newspapers, they get stale the next day?" Put an end to it! Women have a life cycle similar to flowers. Get over it!

"I've noticed a lot of men harassing over thirty women in their comments over the past few weeks, telling them they're as old as yesterday's bread or making fun of them for embracing Jesus. It’s mostly perpetuated by these classless spineless alpha fools,” he stated.
Buchi cited the example of Jesus’ respectful treatment of the adulterous woman to counter such rhetoric. “When Jesus met the adulterous woman at the well, he didn’t remind her that she was left over. I presume that she was in her late 40s; had been married 5 times and still had a 6th man at home.”
The pundit bemoaned the fact that some of the people shaming are actually Christians. "Whenever a female celebrity confesses Christ, these alpha fools start shaming them for squandering their 20s and then accepting Jesus, and it disgusts me."

"God can save and restore any woman, no matter how far she has fallen into prostitution. God continues to save women well into their 20s.Just to refresh your memory, before God, female prostitution isn't a more serious sin than male promiscuity," he continued.

X users have since responded to the post in a variety of ways. Some hold opposing views, even though some people share his opinions.