Auction: Presidential aircraft bidders get December 24 deadline

The Nigeria Air Force is seeking bidders for a Falcon 900B aircraft, a notable piece of the presidential fleet, and the deadline for submissions is December 24.

On Monday, NAF formally declared its intention to sell the Falcon 900B aircraft to purchasers who express interest.

An advertisement posted on the official NAF X page invited prospective buyers to submit their bids.

The announcement stated that the sale of the Nigerian Air Force's Falcon 900B aircraft had received approval from the Federal Government of Nigeria.
NAF stated: "Interested buyers who chose to submit bids by email were directed to send bids that were password-protected to a specific mailing address, and to forward the password to a different address on its own." If a physical submission is preferred, quotations must be sent in a sealed envelope with the name and address of the interested party, a detailed description, and a reference to the request. "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 24 DECEMBER 2023" must be written on the envelope.
NAF made it clear that bids would be reviewed as soon as the deadline for submissions passed.

NAF clarified that the sale of the aircraft was in compliance with the Public Procurement Act of 2007's provisions.
The flyer's official statement says, "The Nigerian Air Force's Falcon 900B aircraft is for sale. The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved the sale." The NAF hereby invites all interested parties to submit bids for the purchase of the aircraft, in accordance with the terms of the Public Procurement Act 2007. Bids may be sent in physically or via email.

Questions concerning the rationale for the decision and its possible effects on the presidential air fleet have been raised by the NAF's action, which has aroused intense interest and conjecture in the aviation and political communities.