Categories Of People Ineligible To Access President Tinubu’s Student Loan

Since Monday, June 12, when President Bola Ahmed Tinubu signed the Students Loan Bill into law, expectations for postsecondary education have been high among both parents and students.

President Tinubu signed the third bill of its sort since taking office on Monday, May 29. It was the Students Loan Bill.

But not all students can get the loan, according to the Nigerian Tribune. This is a list of students who are prohibited from using the Students Loan Bill.

1. People who miss payments on loans
No applicant or student will be eligible for a student loan if they have a history of defaulting on loans from any previous institution, as verified by documentation.

2. Examines those who commit misconduct
The second group of individuals consists of pupils who have committed exam misconduct. The clause states that an applicant who is found guilty of exam malpractice by any authority inside the institution will not be eligible to receive a student loan.

3. Past criminal history
Those having any type of criminal record fall into the third group.
The requirement stipulates that an applicant will not be granted access to the loan at all if they have a criminal record for a felony or any other offence involving dishonesty or fraud.

4. Drug offenders
The loan cannot be awarded to students who have a clean drug-related record. Any applicant or student who has been found guilty of a drug offence will not be eligible for the loan.

5. Parents with defaulted loans
Additionally ineligible for the loan are any students whose parents have a record of defaulting on a loan arrangement.

candidates whose parents, either their mother or father, have fallen behind on any loans they received, including school loans.